Marc Masferrer informs quoting and linking the Ladies in White's website that three Cuban political prisoners were transferred to 'work camps' in their provinces of residence:

An arrangement between the Castro dictatorship and the Cuban Catholic Church last week led to the transfer of three political prisoners to "work camps" in their respective home provinces

Dr. José Luis García Paneque, 45, was moved to a camp dubbed "Plan Confianza" in Las Tunas province.
Iván Adolfo Hernández Carrillo, 39, was transferred to a "Plan Confianza" camp in Matanzas province.
Félix Navarro Rodríguez, 56, was moved to the San Agustín camp, also in Matanzas.

As for the other three prisoners reportedly transferred, Diosdado González Marrero, 47, and Antonio Díaz Sánchez, 48, were transferred to the Agüica maximum security prison in Matanzas; and Arnaldo Ramos Lauzurique, 68, was moved to the 1580 prison in Havana.

All six prisoners have been in jail since the "black spring" of 2003.

According to an EFE news report posted on the Asociación Damas de Blanco website, the work camps have less severe security regimens, the food is better and prisoners have better communication with their families.

However, remember this: The work camps, as well as the Agüica and 1580 prisons, are still part of the Castro gulag, and these men are still prisoners of conscience. No promises have been made and when it comes to the dictatorship and the church, we should be skeptical of any promises made.

But hopefully the transfers are the precursors for a more permanent solution — their unconditional release — for these heroes and their families

for the freedom of all cuban political prisoners
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