A non-affiliated group of Cuban exiles and non-Cuban friends has called for a worldwide march for Cuban freedom. Below we reproduce their press release:


Miami, FL (May 7 2010) - Miami is one of over 18 cities out of 12 countries around the world that will march to demand freedom and respect for human rights in Cuba, on May 22, 2010 (Saturday). A group of friends of social networks and other local organizations have joined this world march. “The aim of this march is to internationally denounce the state terrorism imposed by the Cuban regime against the Cuban people for over 50 years,” said Miguel Pascual, coordinator of the march in Miami. These demonstrations will take place during May 20 through 22 to memorialize the 108th anniversary of Cuban independence from Spain and the first time the Cuban flag waved freely in the then new Republic of Cuba.

Date: May 22nd, 2010

Time: 12:00 pm (the march will start at 12:30 pm)

Place: SW 8th St 13th Avenue (across from the monument to Playa Girón heroes) and up to the Friendship Torch in Brickell.

The (non-politically affiliated) Group of friends of Facebook social networking “MIAMI: WORLD MARCH FOR CUBAN FREEDOM” is hereby calling everyone to join the WORLD MARCH FOR CUBAN FREEDOM, to commemorate the 108th anniversary of Cuban Independence on May 20, 1902, on the eve of the third month of the assassination of Orlando Zapata Tamayo, killed in the Cuban jails on February 23, 2010. The purpose of the march is to condemn the Cuban regime and DEMAND FROM THE STREETS OF THE WORLD the total freedom of our people and respect for human rights in Cuba.

Cities confirmed to participate in the march include Bogota, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Chicago, Florence, Lisbon, Madrid, Mallorca, Miami, Milan, Orlando, Oslo, Paris, Quito, Santiago de Chile, Santiago de Compostela, Tampa, Washington.

Click here for the contact information of the march coordinators in those cities.

This march will be joined by dissenting members in different places of Cuba, and eventually other participants that cannot be physically present will do so through web information networks and radio station Actualidad 1020 AM with Nelson Rubio, that will be broadcasting from the different cities of the world that have joined this World March. It will also be disseminated at http://www.actualidadmiami.com/.

For this reason, we are calling a press conference on May 18th, at 11.00 AM at HAVANAFAMA Theatrical Company, located at 752 SW 10 Ave. Miami, FL 33130-3112.

For more information on this march, contact c21mpascual@hotmail.com, or call (786) 229-0378.

for the freedom of all cuban political prisoners
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