What is it about?
Orlando Zapata Tamayo would have been 43 years old on May 15th. For many people, he still lives.

We want to celebrate his life, and we invite you to participate in a photo-action and send us your picture carrying a specific text.
What text?

“Zapata Vive!” (Zapata lives!)

What kind of picture?
Take a picture of yourself standing near a landmark that would help identify your city, or by your favorite corner, or by a tourist attraction, even in your living room, anywhere. Just make sure that you are holding up a sign that reads “Zapata Vive!”
Where to send the picture?
Send it as soon as possible to ozt.prensa@gmail.com
What are going to do with the pictures?
We will upload them to the blog as they are received. We would like to gather as many as it is possible because Zapata Vive!
Anything else?
If you wish, you can include your name and the name of the city/town and country where you reside
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