With this post, '#OZT: I Accuse the Cuban Government' starts publishing a series of responses from public figures who've shared with us the reasons why they have signed the declaration for the Freedom of Cuban Political Prisoners. Their support covers a very wide political range and represents many sectors from society. That diversity is precisely the basis on which this campaign in defense of human rights (in Cuba and anywhere else in the world) rests.

Apart from the many reasons to sign this letter, I am even more intrigued by the reasons not to sign it that could be argued by those who have not signed such a simple document that the only thing it does is to advocate for the most basic human rights for all Cubans.

Paquito D'Rivera, Cuban musician

Why have you signed the declaration for the Freedom of Cuban Political Prisoners? If you would like to make public your reasons, we invite you to send an email to ozt.prensa@gmail.com. Please write in the subject "Reasons to sign the declaration."

for the freedom of all cuban political prisoners
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