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Blog Archive
- Catholic Bishop visits Fariñas
- AI: Restrictions to freedom of expression create c...
- Reuters: Amnesty says Cuba must end "climate of fear"
- Opposition activist ready to take Fariñas' place
- Fariñas: "Tell her that I am about to depart"
- Guillermo Fariñas in very critical condition
- Reina Luisa does not back down
- Do not forget!
- The Miami Herald: Freed Cuban dissident Darsi Ferr...
- Marc Masferrer: Escobedo modifies protest
- Zapata Vive!
- RSF: "release was not in any way an act of clemency"
- Dr Darsi Ferrer: "I do not accept any sentence fro...
- AP: Cuban dissident found guilty, then freed
- Yoani Sánchez: Dr. Darsi Ferrer sentenced to 3 mon...
- Opposition activists prevented from attending tria...
- Amnesty International on Dr. Darsi Ferrer
- Free Dr. Darsi Ferrer NOW!! (II)
- Free Dr. Darsi Ferrer NOW!
- A renewed effort for the release of all Cuban poli...
- 75 Ladies in White and Ariel Sigler Amaya march to...
- #OZT: The Church must be on the side of the oppressed
- US grants humanitarian visa to Ariel Sigler Amaya
- Payá: “The Church should act as a facilitator of t...
- Political prisoner in hunger strike transferred to...
- Cuba and the release of Sigler
- The Catholic Church in Cuba, Under The Cossacks
- AP: Cuba, Vatican say talks on dissidents continuing
- US National Public Radio reports on some of the la...
- The Miami Herald: More Cuban political prisoners p...
- Communiqué of the #OZT I accuse the Cuban governme...
- A necessary update
- "Nemesis" at Carnegie Hall
- Cuba blocks visit of UN torture inspector
- 120 arrests of opposition activists in May
- Solidarity with Cuba
- Darsi Ferrer: a letter from prison
- After more than 50 days, hunger strike leaves Cuba...
- The Miami Herald: What does Cuba really want?
- Marc Masferrer: 3 Cuban political prisoners transf...
- "Nemesis" in Carnegie Hall
- Némesis at Carnegie Hall
- Repression increases in Cuba amidst negotiations b...
- Transfer and punishment
- Call for support and solidarity from CID with the ...
- AP: US calls for freeing of Cuba prisoners
- Guillermo Fariñas in critical condition
- Catholic Church confirms transfer of Cuban politic...
- Marc Masferrer: Ariel Sigler Amaya may start hunge...