Madrid, 19 July 2010

Your Excellencies, the

Foreign Ministers of the European Union

We, the Cuban prisoners of conscience exiled to Spain in recent days, aware of the manifest willingness of some European countries to modify the E.U.’s “Common Position” regarding Cuba, declare our disagreement with an approval of this measure, as we understand that the Cuban government has not taken steps that evidence a clear decision to advance toward the democratization of our country.

Our departure for Spain must not be considered a good-will gesture but a desperate action on the regime’s part in its urgent quest for credits of every type.

It is for that reason that we ask the countries of the European Union not to again soften their exigencies intended to achieve changes toward democracy in Cuba and to secure for all Cubans the same rights that European citizens enjoy.


Ricardo González Alfonso

Mijail Bárzaga Lugo

Normando Hernández González

Antonio Augusto Villarreal Acosta

Omar Rodríguez Saludes

Luis Milán Fernández

Pablo Pacheco Ávila

José Luis García Paneque

Julio César Gálvez

Léster González Pentón

for the freedom of all cuban political prisoners
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